Help for small businesses
Small Business Cyber Resilience Service
Small businesses can access free, tailored, person-to-person support to improve their cyber security and recover from cyber incidents. To access the Small Business Cyber Resilience Service, either:
- call 1800 595 170, Monday to Friday 8 am – 6 pm AEST
- request help online at IDCARE's small business page.
Digital Solutions program
Australian small businesses can access individual support to grow their digital capabilities through the Digital Solutions program. The program includes up to 4 hours of one-on-one digital advice from a qualified and experienced business adviser for a small fee. It also includes access to free workshops, webinar presentations and self-directed tutorials.
Digital Solutions provides services across 5 priority digital capabilities:
- using digital tools to help your small business
- websites and selling online
- social media and digital marketing
- using small business software
- online security and data privacy.
Visit Digital Solutions on the business.gov.au website for details and to find a Digital Solutions provider near you.